Category Archives: Organizing

>Etsy #2 and organizing

>I have just went crazy over the past couple of nights, making note card sets, and putting everything that I made on my Etsy store. I have 3 4×3 (2 landscape, 1 portrait) note card sets, and two single note cards. I hope you visit my shop at Etsy. It is I want to try to change it to my shop name.

Now for today’s article: Organizing a space or a whole room.

First a few acknowledgements: I want to thank the many people who allowed me to visit your scraproom online. You have made have made a girl’s heart flutter, not in envy, but in awe and admiration. You all are brave to show many of us how you keep your rooms so organized, no matter how big or how small they are. You have inspired me to keep my little room better, and I am in the process of getting it better organized. You have encouraged me not in words, but just by showing me how it is done, especially Creations by Christine, the Pink Stamper, and Margret. God Bless You all.

To the rest of us: If you have ever visited You Tube, Halo, Hulu or any other video streaming site, you know what I am talking about. Those rooms, that make you wish you had it all. So you run to different scrapbook stores, getting the latest and the greatest trends in scrapbooking, spending thousands of dollars on stuff you need for that perfect album, or card. One day, as you are cleaning up, you wonder where, when, and how you got so much stuff. Aha, you just got enabled. Oh don’t worry; I do it all the time. Someone emails you about the stamp set they just got for $1, and you have to have it. This article is not about budgeting your scrapbooking stuff. I am not ready to talk about that yet, because I am not ready to tell myself how much I got. I know, but I am not ready to admit it. Two weeks ago, I just had to get my first Cricut Lite Cartridge, Splish Splash. I did not need it until last night. I also have a layaway out for stuff I am getting at Cutter’s Creek. My next payment is Sunday. After that, it is two more payments, and I am done. I am here to talk to you about organizing your stuff. These tips I am about to give you are from my experiences with organizing. There are many people online and locally, who do a heck of better job than me, but I do not charge $40-60 per hour. This is free advice.

How to organize your Crap…Uh stuff.

OK, I admit it, it is crap until I use it, and I use my stuff every day, so it is stuff. That is what I say every time to myself. I love my stuff. I love being able to make something with my stuff, but I would love to find it more. I live in a townhome. It was built in 1973, so by 2010 standards, it is a small, townhome. It has two stories, but there is enough room for the basics: me, one other person, and the basics, clothes, shoes, food, you get the idea. The builders who built the home did not plan for the future: hobbies and a couple of businesses. Enough of that. So the first question you ask yourself, what is the lay of the land (your home), and do you realistically have room for your crafting hobby? If you do, congratulations on a job well done. If you don’t, do not give up on your dream room, find the room. I have found the room. Since it is just me, I am using an office space that is actually meant for my dining area. My computer is in the corner, and a crafting table butts up against it. Where’s my dining table? Right next to my sliding door in my living room, the biggest room in my whole townhome’s downstairs area. I do not have a china cabinet. Right next to my computer table is a 3 tier shelving unit that will be moved next month. Why? To make room for Jetmax cubes that I am going to buy. The shelving unit will be placed behind the couch. The next question you are going to ask, where to place it all:

If you have not done so, do a little shopping spree. I know more shopping, but this time, you are not, repeat, not going to buy one single thing. You are going to shop with your digital camera. Schedule a time to go. If you are working, go on you day off or use vacation time. This does not apply if you are not. If you have a business like I do, find time off. This is an all-day process. Next, if you have cash, take only $10. This $10 in for emergencies ONLY, in case you run out of gas, or need something to eat while out. This is not a “Need to get that piece of paper” $10. If it is less, use what is on hand. Take out all your credit and debit cards. It is just for one day, and I am sure they will be missed. Before you leave the house, take a picture of your room, and take measurements of the walls and anything that is permanently in the room. You will need that. You are ready to go shopping. Hey you, by the door…I see you picking up that extra $20. Put it back.

In a Walmart, The container store, or any store with storage containers. Go window shopping. Take a picture of the following: Item and price. If it is sale, you may be able to get it at the sales price later. It is called negotiation or haggling. We will get to that later. Before you take that picture, look at your room, and picture that item in your room, holding your paper, cartridges, or embellishments. If it looks good, take the picture. If not leave it alone. With your note pad, write it down, if your camera all of a sudden will not take the picture. You will need the picture later when you talk to the manager. Ask questions about the item in question if you have some. It is better to ask now then later. Have a backup container in mind, and take a picture of that as well. When you are finished, go home, or to another store. When you get home, write in a pad or on your computer in a word processing everything that you did. If you can download your pictures from your camera, do so. You need to reference to them from time to time. No use taking out your camera each time.

The real work begins…

The first important rule is to purge. I do not mean get rid of everything. I once read that if you have not used it in a year, toss it. By tossing, I do not mean throw it away. If it is still good, give it to a local senior home or daycare center. It may be that chipboard you thought you were going to use or a friend though you might like the eyelet and brad of the month club. Hey, those eyelets and brads makes a good tax write off, and you feel good in the process. If it is no good, throw it away. Once you purge, decide in what location will you put it all. During this time, document it, and put it in a scrapbook organization book, that way you can reference to it later. I would also document it in pictures, that way, the insurance company can see what you have, especially electronic diecutting machines, in case of thief, fire or natural disasters. Lastly, go back to the store where you found your organizational goodies, and make your real purchases (yes, you can put your charge and debit cards back into your wallet now, and well as that $20 I saw you sneaking into your pocket.)

Next time, we will get down to the nitty-Gritty for when you do not have any money. Did you know you can shop in your own home? (I am not talking about online shopping.)

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